Women Transitioning Back To The Workforce
After helping our clients navigate the difficult process of divorce, we feel it is important to offer support as they begin the next chapter of their life. We impart words of encouragement and help them to connect with the local resources they need most as they establish their new normal. And for our female clients, specifically women transitioning to or back to the workforce, our team provides a wide range of professional referrals to ease their journey and provide needed support.
Pro Tip: After your divorce is finalized, make the effort to focus on yourself versus your divorce. Positive, strategic thinking and action can ease your transition to your next steps.
Whether rebuilding your career or trying something new, we encourage the newly divorced to build or reignite their support network of friends and/or family to help them in post-divorce life. From financial planners to accountants, life coaches to fitness coaches, at Erin Colgan Law we offer support once your divorce is finalized to help you to prioritize and connect with additional support professionals.
Career Considerations After Divorce
If you are rebuilding a career, you may want to update your resumé, listing every job you have had, whether it was paid or unpaid. While doing so, learn about changes in the market, industry, or companies since you last were fully employed.
If you are pivoting to something new, you may want to focus on the marketable skills you bring to the table, research the skill sets the market now requires, and consider taking courses to learn them – rather than focusing only on selling your older, outdated skills. Include those new qualifications and expertise on your resumé and cover letters – as a signal to employers you are ready to take a new plunge. And finally, define your dream job in today’s economy as well as the entry level positions that may be a good steppingstone to it.
If you are thinking of starting your own business, define what will make you most happy into the future. Reinvent yourself. Reeducate yourself.
If you are transitioning from primary homemaker to primary breadwinner, now is the time to get organized. Take stock of what you have to offer and identify your transferable skills and strengths. You may have devoted time to PTA committees handling projects and budgets, or you maintained the household budget and bill paying, or you volunteered in ways where your people skills were most meaningful. It all counts as you develop a resume. But do not stop there, think about where you would like to work – and learn more about that industry or company. Consider joining career support and networking groups, taking an internship or a returnship. Tap into your network (your circle of support) to see how they got to where they are today. And do not forget to not just thank them but reward them.
We do recognize that women with young children or older women that have years out of the workforce may face enormous challenges and/or many domestic responsibilities. Balancing responsibilities after divorce is challenging, and often requires learning new skills to manage all household responsibilities, from everyday repairs and maintenance to household budgeting and retirement planning. Do not lose confidence and shut down. We encourage those who feel overwhelmed to consider employing the services of physical trainers, coaches, therapists, or counseling services.
You have made it through an enormous hurdle to attain your divorce. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
If you are a divorcing woman and have questions about the process or rebuilding your life, call us at 718-981-5055 to schedule a consultation with Erin Colgan, Staten Island’s go-to divorce attorney and certified mediator.